Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A contest to visit

This is just a quick post to point you all to a fun contest. (I'm hoping to post one more time tomorrow before we leave.) Bea's having a contest on her blog to celebrate her sister's birthday and her 313th post (amazing!). Head on over to check it out (there's all kinds of fun prizes in the offing), and if you do, please tell her I sent you (no, I'm not above hoping for a few extra entries, as I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get extra points for correct answers).

Meanwhile, we're packing madly, and I'm trying to decide just what is absolutely necessary and shouldn't be forgotten, and what we can live without or get there if we forget it here. (Passports, I think, fall into the first category, no?)

I do just have to share one lovely thing that brightened my day today. It's a birthday present from a dear friend who went all the way to Iceland just to get me some yarn (OK, not really; everything isn't all about me all the time, but she did go to Iceland, and she did bring me back some yarn). It is a lovely wool laceweight in an absolutely gorgeous seafoam green/blue type color, which this picture does not do justice to.
It's not gray like that -- definitely more seafoam. I'm pondering the exact perfect use for such a windfall (yup, keeping my eye on Anne's website -- no pressure though, Anne!). It's so tempting to take it with me just so that I can pet it, but I will attempt to resist...


Bea said...

Icelandic wool is nice. Hopefully that pattern comes along quickly and you can enjoy knitting and petting it at the same time!

Thank you for linking to the contest!

Marianne said...

Oh that looks yummy, that lace weight, although it is coming across gray... I'm going to take your word on the colour... 'seafoam green/blue' is one of my all time favourites!

Lynne said...

Enjoy your trip!

Helen said...

That yarn looks wonderful. Seafoam, you say? That's even better than blue.

Courtney said...

That yarn is gorgeous! And why shouldn't she go all the way to Iceland just to get you some yarn? My boyfriend spent last summer in Austria and France, and I'm convinced that the yarn he brought back for me was the reason for the trip!

I hope you enjoy your Spring Break! Where are you off to again?

Anne said...

I'm delighted to see that yarn, for many reasons. Bon Voyage!

EGunn said...

How pretty! I love the yarn, even if the picture isn't true to color. It has a great shine to it.