Saturday, August 9, 2008

Has anyone noticed

that the Google logo on their search page now includes what appears to be a sheep riding a bike?

A knitter has clearly run amok with the Google code.

All I can say is, it's about time.

(Note: Google image belongs solely to Google; do not send me any money based on my use of that image. Can someone with more experience in IP than I have please tell me if I shouldn't have this here?)


Nana Sadie said...

I haven't a clue whether it's an issue to have it there...I hadn't noticed the sheep - but I have been Googling today! But I agree - it's ABOUT TIME!

M-H said...

They might change it every day during the Olympics, I think they've done this in the past.

Mary Lou said...

Looks like Dolores

Anonymous said...

If you google for "Google doodles" you can see all kinds of fun stuff.

EGunn said...

I did notice; I was very amused. And I agree with Mary first thought was that it looks like Dolores.

mehitabel said...

Wonder if Franklin drew it? I did notice it today, and yesterday was an Olympic Rings design. Wonder what tomorrow will bring? (I have Google set as my home page on this computer, so I see most of them. I loved the Beatrix Potter ones earlier this week!)

Anonymous said...

I got a mouse lifting weights!
I think it's their olympics theme. They change those images according to events/holidays of the day!

Lynne said...

Today [Sunday] it's a mouse weight lifter! Very cute!!

Alwen said...

My feeling is that Dolores would be in the bike trailer riding rather than pedalling.

Marianne said...

Oooh, drats, I missed it. I have the igoogle page set up with the stuff I've chosen, looks like I'm really missing out on some great fun.
I'm glad you whacked it there, as to whether it's an issue I don't know, can't even begin to imagine why it would be either.

Anonymous said...

The sheep made me laugh. It's been pigs for the last few days and they just aren't as funny.


Willow said...

I've been checking every day to see what google has done to the graphic. yahoo still has the cyclists riding across the screen which I think is still cool.

Rachael said...

lol - I didn't see that one! very cute.