Saturday was Older Daughter's actual birthday, and we had a lovely quiet day for the most part. She got to go to the bookstore to spend a gift card -- her favorite kind of birthday present -- so we did that. Alas, the poor kid also had a piano recital to play at (they both did), but she did very well, and we came straight home to her dinner of choice: Dad's homemade ("baked" she insists upon adding) macaroni and cheese, peas, and Mom's carrot cake. Mmm...
Sunday was the big day. Her present this year was to go to SeaWorld and to take a friend. We've done this a number of years (this is the time of year when SeaWorld starts offering their "pay for a day and get in the rest of the year free" special), although we've never taken a friend along, and we always go on one behind-the-scenes tour while we're there. This year, she chose the penguin tour, which we hadn't done before (clearly, her experiences among the penguins in New Zealand last summer made an impression). It was a blast. First, we got to meet and pet an actual, real, live penguin. She was very polite about the whole thing (the penguin, that is).
And we got to find out why. The next step was to actually go into the exhibit (stepping in a disinfectant bath on the way so we wouldn't contaminate it), and to stand there in the 23-degree weather (we were wearing jeans and jackets and hiking shoes; some of the others on the tour were wearing shorts and flip-flops -- brrr!). Can I just mention that penguins are loud?
Of course, with three kids along, it wasn't all animals and education. (Although we did see the Shamu show -- we always see the Shamu show. Tess' friend: what's that orca's name? Us: Shamu. TF: Well, what about that one? Us: Shamu. TF: Are they all named Shamu? Us: Yes. TF: That's dumb. We know, kid, we know.) There were also roller coaster rides.
So all of that took up a lot of time. And we also had to get ready for these next two weeks, which involve Rick being out of town from early today until late Wednesday, me being out of town from Thursday morning until late Saturday, and all of us heading out of town early Sunday morning for a week. I did manage to block the wisteria scarf though. All in all, I'm tolerably happy with the way it turned out, although I think using smaller needles might have been even better. I completely forgot to take shots of it on the blocking mats, but here it is, in its milieu.