Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Posting is apparently going to be a bit sporadic this week, as I have been completely buried since arriving at work at 8:00 Monday morning. I was either teaching or in a meeting straight through until 7:00 that night, and then in meetings all day on Tuesday (in the interests of full disclosure, I will point out that one of the hour-long "meetings" on Tuesday was my knitting group, but I know you won't hold it against me). The same thing happened today. I've just finished at 5:15, and need to run home. Insanity.

I think some of it is these horrific budget cuts, and the sense of panic and impending doom that they have caused. Some of it is internal departmental workings, which are rather chaotic right now. And some of it is the fact that I am on a large number of one-off committees (read: no regular meeting times), which adds a certain element of unpredictability to my schedule.

In spite of this, I have managed to get knitting done. I am done with the first Rockin' Sock Club sock, and am almost to the heel on the second. I have also cast on for a pair of socks for Rick, and, thanks to a painful and interminable Senate meeting today, am cruising down the leg (more about that in a day or two; the pattern is good fun). And I continue to manage a repeat on Gust here and there. I'm also still reading little bits and pieces of Julia Child's autobiography, which is having the probably less-than-desirable effect of making me want to run away to France.

More when I can; I took Older Daughter to tour the school she'll probably go to next year, and am feeling rather angst-ridden about the whole thing, so I'm sure you all will have to bear with me as I process that (sorry!). Meanwhile, I'll be back just as soon as I can.


Marianne said...

Busy, indeed! and you 'still' manage to get all that knitting in there!

No need to apologize, that's just part of what this is all about... the wonderful support when one is angst-ridden :^)

Bea said...

oh no! Better to get in knitting time where you can and blog about it next week after the crazies are subdued a bit!!! I'll keep posting on my blog to give people something to read. :)

Nana Sadie said...

Thanks for the warning, but really, if you get in good knitting time, eventually you'll have to show it all off, right?
Good blog fodder!
Hang in there...

Anne said...

we're all with you -- believe me, it's the same here, hence my recent one and two-line posts. Hang in there, and remember, knitting needles are not (really) weapons...

Anonymous said...

It's the busy season for me too! Hope the budget and the busyness don't drive you crazy.

EGunn said...

Gotta love mid-quarter! I hope all those meetings calm down soon! And congratulations on managing to get some knitting in between. =)

Anonymous said...

Well jocelyn, all i can say is that sending your daughter off to college is a tough road.... but be thankful for cell phones, emails and texting!!! Guess I'll be seeing you at Lace in the Woods??

NTK said...

Yep, weekly senate meetings until we're done revising general education, so three two-hour nighttime meetings/month for that plus the regular senate meeting monthly. All I can say is, only three weeks until Spring Break here!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're able to wedge some quality knitting time in and amongst everything else. I think it's really important to make time for it, especially when time is tight. It's a pretty cheap form of therapy, isn't it?!

CC said...

Congrats on the STR Club socks. One day when I'm not a graduate student anymore I'll join that club :) Good luck with all of the meetings. I still haven't been able to figure out how faculty handle all of those. Guess I'll learn through experience in a year or so!