Thursday, March 27, 2008

We're off

Well, we're about to leave, and there's a lot of headless chicken-type behavior, and I'm about to shut down my computer for the next ten days. If I can, I'll post quickly from my father-in-law's computer while we're there, we'll see. I've packed six books and three knitting projects (one's a pair of sock, which should probably count as two) -- think that'll do me?

Take care!


Marianne said...

Well, we'll all just hope so, otherwise, are there lys around? :^)

Make great times :^D

NTK said...

What I'm wondering is if you finished that grading or managed to leave it at home! :)
Have fun!

Bea said...

Have fun!! Knit a lot!!

Anonymous said...

We'll miss you! Have a wonderful, rejuvenating, family-connecting time.

Margaret said...

Have a wonderful trip! The Caribbean is so lovely, and this time of year it won't be too hot to knit. Ah yes, knitting in tropical breezes.

Courtney said...

bon voyage! I hope you have fun!

Willow said...

bon voyage! Enjoy your Caribbean break! Knit, sunbathe, knit more.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're having a blast, and that the days aren't flying by too fast!