Tuesday, July 1, 2008

All's well

We made it, and Older Daughter handled both the twelve hour flight and jet lag like a pro. We've been getting up early and going to bed early, but it wasn't like I'd been planning to take her out on the town for some Auckland nightlife, so that's all good.

We've had a whirlwind few days in Auckland (Auckland Museum, art galleries, Kelly Tarlton's, SkyTower, Devonport), and this afternoon we're off to Wellington for the conference. Then, as of 5:00 on Friday, I'm a free woman, with no more paper to even consider (not that I've been thinking about it much at all). I'll try to update as I can, and lots of pictures to come when I'm home. Thanks everyone for the good travel wishes, I'm sure they helped!


Stell said...

welcome to nz!
from Stella and family

M-H said...

Keep warm!

Anonymous said...

Heh! I bet she did better than you on the flight.

Have fun ignoring your paper until you give it. And even more fun afterwards!

Anonymous said...

Good thing there's a conference so it won't be too much fun! But even that sounds fun.

I'd like an Aussie as a souvenier, if it's not too much trouble. ;)

EGunn said...

Glad you made it to NZ! Have a great trip!

Anonymous said...

Best wishes on your presentation.

Take pictures! Lots of pictures of everyone and all the sights. :-)

Wait! You didn't say anything about knitting on the plane. You did manage a few rows of something???

Anonymous said...

Sounds great to me. Good luck with your presentation and have loads of fun everywhere!

Helen said...

Yes, that's all very well, but what did you knit on the plane?!?

Bea said...

Good luck on the paper! I'm so glad your having fun in New Zealand!

Marianne said...

Cheers for making it safe and sound!

Nana Sadie said...

Glad you're having fun so far! Good wishes are still flowing for a great vacation/presentation/fun time with DD.

Willow said...

Enjoy your time in NZ! You should pick up some possum yarn to knit. Just for comparitive research,you understand...

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm glad your trip was safe and OK. I have spun my first yarn. You can see it at scienceprincess.livejournal.com.

Happy vacation.

Anonymous said...

It's wonderful to hear you are there safely and well started on your adventure!