We left Wellington on Saturday morning, and arrived in Dunedin to find Stella and her whole family waiting cheerfully for us at the airport. It just doesn't get better than that. After picking up a rental car (and chanting my mantra to myself: left turns are easy, right turns are hard), we headed back to their house to rug up for the first of our adventures: penguins.
Older Daughter really wanted to see real, live, in-the-wild penguins, and Stella and Chris (her husband) facilitated beautifully. We headed out on the Otago peninsula to visit a penguin sanctuary there (Stella has the link on her post), and arrived in the middle of some serious weather. Sleet, wind, cold, the whole number. In fact, the guide told us that it was going to be a good day to see penguins, as quite a few of them had declined to go fishing that day, because it was so cold. Stop a moment and think about that. It was too cold for the penguins to go fishing. Heh.
Given that fact, the kids did spectacularly well. We were rugged up to the hilt (a new phrase that I've adopted and will keep for my very own), including an extra layer of waterproofs provided by the penguin people, who were dead to rights in continuing to offer them after our first polite refusals. The viewing of the penguins took place from within camo-covered trenches dug all over the hillside. Between that and the olive-green raincoats, the whole thing felt a bit like something out of WWI, except with penguins instead of mortars.

The next day, we packed up and headed to Te Anau, where we'd planned to go on a tour of the glowworm caves. Alas, a rock in the roof of the cave had developed a crack, and our tour was cancelled until they could get an engineer in to assess the risk. It was the one bummer on the whole trip, which, as I said to Stella and Chris, was, in the end, pretty good, although a disappointment for everyone. However, we made up for it by going to visit a nearby bird sanctuary, which housed a rare takahe (they'd been thought to be extinct until the 1940's), who came right up to the fence to visit with us.

We headed off to Tekapo for the night, and the drive was absolutely stunning. Older Daughter took tons of pictures from the back seat (including a number of amusing ones of both herself and of Stella's son, with whom she was completely charmed; they had some hugely entertaining discussions in the back seat, to which I listened like a fly on the wall -- it was interesting to hear the nine and ten year old version of the "getting to know you" conversation). But none of the pictures could really capture the grandeur of the bare valley, dotted with snow, with the white mountains in the background.

Could anyone have asked for a better three days? Or better companionship? I was introduced to rugging up (which we needed; it was -4 C in Tekapo), tiki touring, and I was provided with meat pies (mmm....); the conversation was excellent, and Older Daughter found new friends. Life doesn't get better than that.
This was a long post, so tomorrow, I'll finish up with pictures of the stash (and spinning) enhancement that took place with Stella's expert facilitation. Meanwhile, sock #1 is finished, and I'll show that off, too, and give an update on my Tour de Fleece spinning. I should say here and now that, in spite of all of my best intentions regarding the Summer of Socks, and the Loopy Ewe postcard, I took not a single picture which provides any evidence at all of travelling sock knitting, or of the fact that I carried the picture of Loopy with me all the way to NZ and back. Ah, well...
*Illicit pengiun activity?* Snort!
What a fun trip...
Glad you're back safe and sound! (we missed you!)
Great that you enjoyed your NZ trip - I'm a bit further up the South Island, but am familiar with the Ashford shop! I've just bought some yummy hand-painted Touch yarn in a mix of wool and possum fur that I'm fondling and looking for a suitable pattern to use it (photo on my blog).
Lovely trip! you both are so lucky and your church photo is amazing, I see the inside, I see the mountains and I see your shadow taking the photo, amazing :)
Sigh of contentment. I read both long posts and immensely and vicariously enjoyed your travels.
Ashford. Sigh of slight envy. I have to remember I've been amazing places, too. My eyes were popping out at the fiber wall, my mouth was forming oohs and aahs.
Did you get possum fur yarn????
The sight of the penguin on the grassy hill is mind-boggling. What a treat! Good for you for rugging up and bearing the elements for such a wonderful adventure.
Love the pic Stella took of you in the Ashford shop. Lucky you! How'd you manage to get everything home? :-)
I'm just so glad the trip was fabulous for both of you.
You said between the camo and the trenches it felt like WWI. So what about penguin mortars? Instead of mortar shells, they deliver nice little penguins, maybe saving them the trudge up the hill. We'll have to work out the landing system so it all goes well for the little guys.
A good trip! I was thinking the other day my son would be/is already fun to travel with. Only one kid though, so younger is ok.
Man, I'd love to crawl through the spy-on-penguin tunnels! So much more fun than idly watching penguins on TV, even if I don't see any. Maybe.
What fun to see your pictures! I was in NZ a few years back and it was one of my favorite vacations and I thought at the time what a great family vacation.
That sounds like an absolutely wonderful vacation and I'm just green with envy. (for reasons that include, you got to escape Arizona heat...and you don't even live here!)
Glad to hear everyone had a great time and can't wait to see the stash enhancement that occurred.
Wow, what a cool trip! Penguins and spinning wheels -- you'd have a hard time beating that.
eeee...I wanna go see the penguins! Can I stow away in your luggage the next time you go? THis looks like so much fun!
Yay! You're back.. and as usual, I'm late to the party! I needed a good chunk of time for these two posts.
I can certainly see why Tess was so charmed with Toby (yes, I went and read her account also :^) beautiful lad.
Wow. Love your take on the differences between 'living' and 'perhaps not' regarding native culture and I'm with you. Our government/culture/society could and should learn from what they have. Respect the design!
The friends, the penguins, the fibre stores, just absolutely an amazing trip!
those penguins sound cool, i like how the setup let you see them in their natural habitat without disturbing them. i didn't even know they lived in NZ, or went on grasslands. who knew!
Cute that they keep up on all the penguin gossip. ;) Your trip sounds just fabulous! The side trips and the conference talks. I can wait on the knititng pictures - the ones posted are so fabulous! I'd never really noticed how museums frame our native artifacts - maybe just the word artifact is telling?
Looking forward to a few more long posts like these!
What a cool trip, and what great hosts you had! I love the cueing of the sound effect when we've scrolled down as far as Ashford. This is a trip you and Older Daughter will remember always.
Sounds like a perfect trip. Reading about it gives me wanderlust!
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