I got the laundry done, and cooked an actual, sit-down, try-out-some-fun-new-recipes meal; this is something that I like to do at the end of the weekend when things aren't too swamped. With soccer in season, things are swamped, but who would miss watching galloping girls?

So dinner last night (with actual time to plan and cook it) included a potato gratin with onions and sausage and cheddar cheese, and a lovely cake with a pear/caramel topping (an upside-down sort of cake, which turned out to be not only yummy but pretty; I'd show you a picture, but we ate half last night, heh).
I also got to knit and spin to my heart's content. I'm plugging away on the bump of Jacob roving that I've had for ages; I want to get it done and see how much I have in the way of yardage, and at what weight. I have this theory that it'll go nicely with the 250 gms of black Merino I have waiting in the wings, if I can just spin the Merino at the same weight. Here's the second bobbin of singles. I'm almost done; I think another hour of spinning (or less) will see it finished, and then I can ply, which always goes much faster.

I've also been working on the latest lace project. (Why yes, it is another one of Anne's; if she'd just stop writing such fun and gorgeous patterns, I'd stop knitting them, but as things stand...) This one finally turned out to be the one for the Icelandic laceweight that I held off on using for Lacewing. I think that this is a much better match. And check out this pattern! I'm in love with the huge lace motif -- it's swingy and full of life. The pattern is also incredibly intuitive. As usual, the first repeat took what felt like ages, but the second one went much much faster, and I'm thinking that things will speed up from here. I'm knitting the tall width, but will probably only do the petite number of repeats for the length. We'll see a) how I feel, and b) how much yarn I have.

Meanwhile, homework assignments are starting to come in and need to be graded (who assigned all this work?). And I've got to read the articles and chapters that my students will want to discuss in class (who assigned all these readings?). It's clear to me that my alter-ego is designing my courses, and that my alter-ego is an overachieving ass. Sigh...
Oh, those alter-egos! You should put yours in touch with Sheepish Annie's conscience, they' have a fine time! Your current project is absolutely gorgeous, and I want to know more about that cake, it sounds just like my Older Daughter's kind of dessert ....
Send the alter-ego to a sabbatical or something, maybe in New Zealand? :)
Your new stole looks very pretty!
Oh that lace again! OK, I really need to look into knitting lace... I'm just so so so - - ordinary in my knitting.
I was thinking about your wanting to have the Jacobs and the black fiber be the same weight. You could test the black and see and if it is going to work up thinner, you could do three ply instead of two. And you could do the Jacobs as three ply if you haven't already plied it and if it is spun finer than the black fiber. Just a thought.
Love the wool color, and that cake sounds heavenly. Those alter egos can get you, can't they? I should probably be working overtime to keep mine in check...
Lovely lace! And great action shot of younger daughter.
I'm glad you had a relatively quiet day.
And your alter-ego is not helping you now.
I love that Jacob you're spinning.
The spinning is gorgeous! I really want a wheel, and keep remembering that I have nowhere to put it.
I'm glad you enjoyed your lazy day, and got to play with fiber. You saw how crazy I went last weekend with one of those days . . .
My personal theory is that you and I should both convince our alter-egos that the only reading for class should be Interweave or Vogue, and all homework should involve knitting in some way. It's tempting :-)
Take care.
Those alter-egos who feel as if they should actually educate when they could be, say, spinning.
That wool is beautiful!
I love the galloping girls - and the color of that lace. I'm doing a black lace stole for my SiL- boring.
oooh, i LOVE it in the natural icelandic . . it looks like clouds!
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Nice color on that Jacob. And the lace is looking pretty, even in the scrumply stage.
Your spinning is beautiful and yes, lovely colour. Oh, I know, that Anne and her amazing brain and the lace patterns she keeps coming up with, she's genius. Your stole is gorgeous.
Gorgeous, gorgeous, yours and Anne's both. And thank you--I needed something to kick in the inspiration and get me back to my needles after a day's break from them.
too bad your alter-ego can't grade all the homework for you too - while you're spinning of course ;)
so somebody post the recipe for the cake already. i saw the picture on anne's blog. me want now!
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