We were gone all weekend, and had no internet access at the hotel where we were staying, which rather put the kibosh on my plans to post while we were gone. We got back late last night, and then I spent all day today grading 26 papers (whose quality, or lack thereof, shall pass unremarked)(has anyone else ever noticed how much easier it is to grade good papers than bad, even if they're longer?), so I haven't had a moment to post. I now have the time it takes Younger Daughter to shower (more time than you might think) and Older Daughter to practice her violin (less time than you might think).
We drove up north on Saturday morning; we might have liked to leave Friday afternoon, but Rick had a project meeting, and I had a (shudder) budget meeting, so that wasn't going to happen. But we got up early, threw our stuff in the car, and headed up the state. This trip was devoted to listening to the first half (about all we can get through on one 1,000-mile round-trip drive) of the last of the Harry Potter books, so the time went fairly quickly, and we were in Sacramento by about 4:00. We had a lovely evening with my parents (of which I have no photographic evidence), and after an unhurried morning on Sunday, we drove to the Bay Area. Rick's folks were in town, which is why we decided at the last minute to take advantage of Older Daughter's four-day weekend (Veteran's day), and the fact that my campus was closed yesterday, to go see them and Grandmom, and I'm so very glad that we did.
We always try to see Grandmom as frequently as we can, but since she started getting occasional hospice care at the beginning of the summer, we've been trying to step up our visits. She is definitely fading more each time, which is so hard to see, even though I know that, at 94, she feels like she's had a good long run, and is more than ready to let go. She keeps ticking though, which frustrates her (she can't hear well, and has macular degeneration in both eyes, which makes her feel shut away from the world), so we get to have a little more time with her, which both Rick and I value immeasurably. The girls, too, enjoy seeing her, even though it's almost impossible for them to have a conversation with her, as she can't hear their voices, no matter how loud they get (too high-pitched). But they have some relayed talks, and Older Daughter and Grandmom got to look together and Grandmom's album of her visit to New Zealand years ago, which I think means something to both of them.
It was also wonderful to see Rick's folks, who live far away. We went to the newly-opened Academy of Sciences and Steinhart Aquarium in the City, which was fun, although not quite as impressive as the hype (and price) might have led one to believe. In downloading my photos, I saw that Rick got a couple of nice shots, though, of the reef fish.

There were also chameleons.

I got some knitting done in the car. I'm eight inches further along into the body of Rick's sweater, which means that I've got about seven inches to go if I'm doing the math right (15 inches from the bottom of the armhold to the hem). I'm still enjoying working with this cotton yarn, but I realize that I'm not so fond of the bulky. Ah, well. I didn't get to work on the second of the Kicking Leaves socks (they have a name!), but I did take some pictures tonight of the first of them on Younger Daughter's foot. Isn't it gorgeous?

Meanwhile, I can finally post some pictures of the scarf I knitted for my dear friend Kim (hi, Kim!) out of my handspun (a merino/tencel blend that was such fun to spin), since I gave it to her last week. I used the cabled feather and fan pattern again, since it seems to work well with the lumpy nature of my earlier handspun yarns.

So, I'm working on spinning the Sanguine Gryphon roving, and the Fuzzarelly roving, and knitting Rick's sweater, and knitting that second sock, and I seem to have gotten distracted (oops) by Anne's latest sock (how not?), so I think I've got plenty going on. And the shower is off, and the violin has fallen silent, so it's probably time to hit "post".
That's a long quickie! Sounds like you had a great (busy) weekend. Definitely enjoy those opportunities to visit; they're invaluable.
Why is it that bad papers take so much longer? Maybe it's just the depression? Once they get to a certain point, they're much easier again, though. I'm glad for your students' sake that they didn't get that bad.
That scarf is beautiful. I love the color of the yarn, and feather-and-fan variations seem to work with almost anything.
The scarf is lovely, beautiful colour
Yes. Good papers, even longer ones, are so much easier to grade -more enjoyable, too!
Glad you had a good trip, what great photos of the "critters" - and good family visits are priceless.
That scarf is gorgeous! (my color, too)
I love the shawl, both the color and the pattern. Love the frogs and the fish, too!
Macular degeneration is such a cruel thing: my 90-year-old aunt has it. She's deaf too and these things make her seem old and out of it while actually her mind is as sharp as ever. She never admits it's a problem but it's a damned shame. She won't admit she's deaf either but the volume of her audio-books gives her away :)
I like that cabled feather and fan: I got bored with knitting faf but maybe a little cable would get me going again.
I'm glad you got to spend time with your family. Sounds like it was a fun trip.
Love the sock. Very cute!
Sounds like a good weekend. It's good that the girls get time with their grandmother, even if she is fading.
The knitting and spinning look wonderful, as always.
Take care.
My fiance and I used to have those gorgeous jewel toned fish (those and six-line wrasses) in our tropical fish tank. It was amazing, and seeing things like that (or going to the Georgia aquarium) make me miss it.
Your handspun shawl is wonderful. Excellent spinning!
Wouldn't it be grand to have an aquarium in the living room. Or, even better, the bedroom. Watching fish is almost as relaxing as spinning. ;-)
Someone needs to dye a poison dart frog colorway. Doesn't that sound perfect for Rabbitch? I vote you suggest it to her.
I think we're going to the aquarium before Thanksgiving. Birthday treat!
Roving names are awesome!
You sure get a lot written in the space of a shower. It sounds like the trip was a good thing all around, and the fiber distractions are progressing nicely. I just saw a lacy cable design the other night (browsing Barbara Walker) and thought it looked pretty neat, and here you go indulging my curiosity. thanks!
The scarf is stunning! (or Prachtig! as I'm learning from trying to read Dutch blogs)
Busy, busy, busy! All your knitting looks fabulous; I'm glad you had a great trip.
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