The downside to having a place like that in an almost direct line between my job and my home is the ongoing temptation to go there. I honestly don't go there as much as I'd like to, mostly because I'm trying to budget both my time and my money better (it's not showing, by the way), but it always makes me happy when I do. It also always makes me spend money, because these folks know yarn. I don't think I've ever seen a yarn store of this size with this range of yarn, not to mention the way the folks who work there (hi, guys!) are always willing to get involved in a discussion of pattern and color choices. And even to look something up on Ravelry to be sure there haven't been any changes since the pattern was printed (which really saved my tush on the latest new cast-on). And they know what I like. This place is better than Cheers.
So, in my quest to be ready for three days of conference knitting, I headed in. I came out with more than I'd bargained for (are we surprised?). What I really wanted was more yarn to make another pinwheel blanket for me and my couch. Deb and I played with color combinations for a while, and we agreed that this was exactly what I needed, even though the only yarn in the green color I wanted is a lighter weight than the rest, and I'll have to knit that part with two strands held together. I can live with that, because how happy is this blanket going to be?

Because, have I mentioned? I am in the middle of a case of galloping startitis. I have run a total mok.* While I was there, I also bought myself three balls of Kidsilk Haze to knit the Cardi Cozy from the latest Mason-Dixon book. And I cast on. (As if I don't have enough on the needles already. At last count, three second socks to finish, a pair of mitts, Rick's sweater...) I'd thought that it might be good conference knitting, as it's mostly in stockinette, but I was afraid that the cables and the fine and slippery nature of the kidsilk haze might thwart my desire to be able to look like I'm paying attention to speakers' papers, so I decided to try it out at Older Daughter's first orchestra concert on Thursday night.
First, let me say that there is no way that there are not going to be a number of dying cat moments in any string orchestra's first concert, especially given that fully half of the members of the group picked up their instrument of choice for the first time in August. That said, they did better than I'd feared, and Older Daughter was very pleased with herself for getting through the whole thing; she'd been extremely nervous. I can also say that my fears about the nature of this particular knit were well-founded; it's not something I can do without looking at what I'm knitting at very frequent intervals. So, I took it along, but saved it for airplane knitting.

Meanwhile, I still had the problem of what I was going to knit during everyone's talks. I decided that the thing to do was to knit a sock, but none of the second socks I'm working on were going to do the trick, as I couldn't knit them chartless. I needed something else. So, out came the yarn that I bought last summer when I was in Berkeley for a sock idea I've been wanting to try for a while, and I cast on for those on Friday morning on the plane (a 6:30 am flight, shudder). I finished the first one on Sunday during the last round of talks I attended, and cast off.

Sorry. The other thing I like about this yarn, from a sock knitting perspective, is that the skein is divided into two equal hanks. So I could safely knit this one toe up as far as I wanted to and not worry about whether I'd have enough for a second sock. I imagine that would be useful for knitting a shawl or scarf with a provisional cast-on from the middle, too.
What I really wanted to try with these socks was an idea for a different sort of toe-up heel than I've seen before, although I'm sure that everyone else out there has done this, and I'm just behind the times. I've been contemplating it for a while, spurred on by some thoughts I've had as I've knitted top-down, and by some things that other people have said about how nice it is when there's something cushy under one's heel.

Meanwhile, I'll be working on Rick's sweater, which proceeds. With luck, I'll be on the sleeves by tomorrow.

I realize that I haven't talked at all about my weekend, which was fine. My talk seemed to go all right (no one laughed, and no one shook their head vigorously), and I got to go to Grace Cathedral to walk the meditation labyrinth, which is always good for my brain for weeks afterwards. But I need to stop now so I can get some grading done before writing my Thanksgiving shopping list.
Tomorrow: the new yarn on my counter, and the need for A Plan.
* I literally heard a man say this, describing his teen-age daughter, on an interview with NPR several years ago. It made me happier than I can say, because there's nothing better than watching linguistic change in progress. In the end, his reanalysis makes absolute sense; this is the same process that leads people to say "that's a whole nother problem". And lest anyone begin the head-shaking, people-today commentary, I should point that that this is the same process that led to the older change from the word "napron" to "apron". "A napron" was reanalyzed as "an apron"; "napron" was once, if I recall correctly, related to "napkin", and, now that I come to think on it, probably to "nappies" as well (this is also where the nicknames
Nan and Nancy came from Anne -- mine Anne becomes my Nan, and Bob's your uncle, you've got a new name). As a further aside, this is also why the English word "orange" does not have the "n" on the front that the related Spanish word "naranja" does. Here endeth the lesson.
There's no mokking the ability of the language to change quickly! ...Love those socks!
Delurking - so you don't yet know my name!! Love the language lessons and the sock thoughts. Thanks for them.
I think we were reading each other's posts simultaneously: your comment popped into my Inbox when I was half way through.
Do you read Ted? He walked the Labyrinth this weekend too
Perhaps all of us knitters just have one brain between us - except that I couldn't knit those socks so we probably haven't.
Norange. That makes so much more sense to me.
Yup, the problem with the LYS. Too much money leaves me, and more yarn than I have time for leaves with me.
My bookstore is the place they know my kname (type-o, but I'm leaving it because I like it), and know what I read. And I always do read everything they send my way. Always enough time to read. Much better productivity than in my knitting life.
Good Knitting!
Love the colours of the blanket, can imagine snuggling under it already. I find the origins and changes in the English language fascinating.
I am very glad your LYS is not on my route from office to home! I am lucky that my favorite LYS is in Jerome, AZ :)
And your lesson at the end of the post made me think of something I told our cat first thing Saturday morning! When I got up I startled him and he jumped out of bed so I asked him: Saki,lamah jumptah? which is using jump in the middle of a Hebrew sentence with the proper Hebrew grammer! and it means Saki, why did you jump?
that is a very cool heel; i should try that one (my socks tend to wear just under the heel so it might be a benefit to me
and one of my students is knitting that same sweater for her son; she was struggling a bit today and when we went over things it turns out she read the pattern incorrectly and the problem was solved.
The only "people today" thing that makes me crazy is spelling. With texting running a total mok, I fear for my sanity.
Your LYS sounds fab! I'm blessed in the ones around me too. That pinwheel is going to be gorgeous AND happy.
You knit that sock during a conference? Wow.
I love the yarn palette - it is so exciting and peaceful simultaneously. And I really admire the sock. The traveling stitches are such simple but effective architecture, and I am way excited at this method of toe up, as I truly dislike short row heels (at least the way I execute them) and I love doing heel flaps and turning those cups. Now I can have it all!
Startitis is certainly viral --I have it too. I did cast on the devo scarf as you predicted and am waiting with bated breath to see the little faces emerge.
Love the sock! How well do you remember the talks during which it was knitted?
When I read a total mok, my immediate thought was " ". That is, I had the concept but not the name - Google is my friend and I found :
tmesis \TMEE-sis\, noun:
In grammar and rhetoric, the separation of the parts of a compound word, now generally done for humorous effect; for example, "what place soever" instead of "whatsoever place," or "abso-bloody-lutely."
So, could it be tmesis, do you think, rather than linguistic change?
It always amazes me how there are yarns I would probably not pick up, but when I see them in use I fall totally in love with them.
I used to be a person who had a very black and white view of language and right and wrong, but the older I get, the more grays I see. Either I'm mellowing out or my eyes are going.
Verification word, "arally", oral tradition as it occurs in the Aral mountains?
And hence the reason I come by...and enjoy our email exchanges as well...Your thinking challenges me!
I adore the run a total mok concept. For a whole nother reason? (not really, just stringing them together b/c I CAN)
Your LYS sounds like the one I LOST (sob!).
And that sock is cool. Not sure I'd want to do the heel that way, but it's still cool...and because I never do cuff-down socks, I would not have thunk it.
First of all, the yarn is gorgeous. Not having a wheel, I've been doing a bad job plying . . .
Secondly, I like your socks. How did you do the criss-cross bit on the front? The heel sounds a bit like some of the ones in Cat Bordhi's book New Pathways for sock knitters. I highly recommend at least looking at it.
Finally, I am envious that you live near a labyrinth to walk. I want one, and I don't think there's one anywhere near Chicago.
Take care.
i'm never sure which i like better, your language tidbits, knitting or spinning. i really like that line of stitches twisting around the sock. just enough to be interesting but not so much that the colors blur it. never heard of that sort of heel either, interesting.
Love that twisty sock!
Lovely new yarn and I am deeply in love with what you are spinning right now. Sadly my LYS is more then an hour and a half away. Its not fun to go there because of the length of the drive :( I have internets though :)
A good LYS is a dangerous thing. Those colors are beautiful; I'm sure you'll enjoy the blanket.
Thanks for the language lesson! I think words are fascinating, and I didn't know any of those tidbits yet.
I agree with putting the reinforced heel actually under your's always seemed silly to me to put the padding at the back of your foot. It's much more useful to put it somewhere that you'll actually step on it. =)
I like the socks, toe up padded heel, well worked. I think my sock with a hole might have survived longer knit that way. what a wonderful LYS,
envy here - of a good sort.
Nice sock, and I always enjoy the linguistics. One note of warning for the raglan line - the lifted M1 tightens the row gauge more than the YO. You may want to check that. I use the backward look M1 to keep it relaxed. Have a good thanksgiving. My word verification is fiesti - perfect for the holiday!
Take a look at the newly published book I got for Christmas* - just the sort of thing you'd enjoy!
*details to be posted 29/12/08
Word verification:
imenzit n. a large pimple
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