I finally convinced my camera and my computer to talk to one another. It was a close call; I almost had to call in a counsellor, but they've agreed to work things out for the moment. We'll see how long it lasts.
How sad is it that I feel such a great sense of triumph simply because I managed to upload pictures successfully onto my computer in the way that picture-uploading is designed to be done? Pitiful, I tell you, pitiful.
Nevertheless, it is done, which means that I can post with some actual visual content, such as it is, rather than simply inundating you with a wall of words. It sounds like all of those links worked on the last post, so I won't go through all that again, except to share a good skiing picture with you.
And to give you a sense of the colors of yarn I ended up with. Here's the lovely Woolen Rabbit bamboo-blend sock yarn.
I also received the most wonderful package in the mail from Anne this week. It came as part of the pay-it-forward challenge that we both signed on for last year; I am woefully behind and need to get into gear on this one -- I keep thinking that I'd like to have all three things done and sent at the same time to their recipients, but the pleasure of receiving this package suggests to me that I should probably just get moving and send what I've got. Look at this absolutely stunning scarf she sent me!
I have also been knitting. Mostly, I've been working on the Dofuku kimono (from Knit Kimono), and I'm definitely making progress. My goal is to finish this up, and then to finish all of the second socks that I have hanging around (three, at last count) so that I can make a clean start on some new projects (including the second sweater I want to knit for myself this winter). The kimono is progressing fairly well, and I'm most of the way done with the first sleeve. After that, I just need to knit the second sleeve and the collar.
I spent the time while knitting the two fronts and the back wondering whether I was going to knit the sleeves flat (stitches picked up from the shoulders) as called for in the pattern, or whether I was going to just join them and knit them in the round (as I so very much wanted to). As I saw it, the two potential areas for concern with regard to knitting them in the round were a) whether I might knit at a different gauge when I'm knitting every row than I do when purling the wrong side, and b) whether I'd regret not having the seam for structure. The first question was fairly easily disposed of, as I tend to knit at the same gauge flat and in the round, or at least close enough not to make a difference. The second was harder to judge. But the two sweaters I've knitted for myself so far both have sleeves knitted in the round, and I have had no trouble with the lack of seams, so I decided that in the interest of maximizing the mindlessness of this knit, I'd choose to go in the round. And I did.
So, that's it for now. I hope to have this finished early next week, if not sooner, and I'll post some modelling shots then. Meanwhile, I'm off to knit and read, or maybe to watch some reruns of Law and Order (deep, meaningful TV that it is). Happy Friday to everyone!
When in hotel rooms or at my sisters, I usually end up watching the all Law and Order all the time channel. I don't have cable, so I indulge myself and so often that's all that's worth watching! Glad the domestic squabble has been settled.
Whoohoo! Congrats on beating the techie photo woes!
LOVELY stuff. The gals look happy as can be...
L&O [especailly Criminal intent] is perfect knitting viewing in my opinion - just not when knitting lace!!
Glad you triumphed over the technology. It's not stupid to feel that way; it's a bit how I felt about this lace - "I will not let you win, I will not let you win"!!
The scarf is a lovely colour, I can imagine snuggling into that. The girls looked as if they were having a fantastic time
Good call on the circular knit for the sleeves. Nice trim, too.
You have beautiful girls. Best wishes for their garden.
I really like the way the yarn is knitting up in the kimono. A very nice looking blanket. Sweater! I mean sweater!
Do you think they're so happy in the snow because it's all for fun? Don't have to do the day-to-day in it. I say that, because we had ourselves some impromptu snow fun off Hwy 4. We had those same grins! But vague memories of living in snow intrude...
L&O is fabulous knitting TV. There's not a bad season.
Pretty kimono! Knit in the round? I would have never thought of that.
And yes, they look quite delighted.
The kids are adorable, the yarn beautiful, the kimono cutting edge.
(But am unsure why scarves are needed above freezing? Just kidding!)
If I ever have technical or relational difficulties in the future I'll be sure to request your guidance and widom! Good job on the reconciliation process.
The kimono does look nice. Do you do decreases on the inside where the 'seam' would be? I have a baby sweater pattern that does that. I get the shaping without having to seam.
What neat looking kids! And I do think you were spot on to use the handspun for the accent. The colors really work...and nice to be able to see them. Congratulations on getting the camera and computer to work together!
Bobby is making 'Leopard' sounds, it may be I'll be picking your brains at some point. or cleaning my own off the monitor. blech.
Fun in the Snow!
GORgeous scarf!!!
Your new yarn is pretty darned sweet also :^)
I'm glad you finally triumphed...technology does have a way of being difficult, doesn't it?
The colors in this post are gorgeous...I might need to go buy some greens and blues now. I especially like the color of your kimono. You could always do an afterthought crochet seam if you do decide that you need one for stability. I've never found that I notice the difference when I knit in the round.
Congratulations on your technology triumph! Getting technology to do what it's supposed to is always a victory ;-)
The kimono is gorgeous! I can't wait to see it done. The scarf also looks comfortably cozy. I have been debating making myself a new one, but my current one is so warm and this winter so cold (high of 1F on Thursday) that I can't bring myself to make another.
Take care, and continue to enjoy your knitting, spinning, and lovely daughters.
Mark finds that when we get together with our friends is the best time for him to knit. He sits and listens while we (okay me...) gab about everything....Oh by the way, Hi Sis...
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