For now, though, I need to say thank you, most sincerely, to Bea and Sallee, who both nominated me for an award. I am usually terrible about responding to these kinds of awards, for all kinds of reasons: I can't imagine why anyone would put me on their list, to start; and then I find it nearly impossible to think of a limited number of other people to nominate, so even if I manage to bring myself up to the fence of saying something about it here on the blog, I stall out at the bit where I have to come up with people to forward it on to. But here I am, giving it a shot.

The official rules are as follows:
1. Copy the award to your site
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate 7 other bloggers
4. Link to those on your blog
5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominated.
This award particularly means a lot coming from Bea and Sallee, whom I both consider to be tremendously creative people and bloggers. Bea knits, and sews, and dyes the most gorgeous yarn (go ahead and check out her etsy shop), and she takes amazing pictures (I only wish my pictures of my dogs came out half so well as hers do). And have y'all seen Sallee's Nana Sadie Rose bags? Gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. And she's a jeans and birks and lace kind of person, which I relate to. So thanks so much!
Lucky for me, they already got nominated, as did Ellen and Jan, and Erica, so that frees up four automatic spaces. Heh. So here are seven more, among the many many talented bloggers out there whose blogs I love to read (you all know who you are!). If I've tagged you, don't feel in any way compelled to come up with seven of your own; I'll let you off the hook.
1. Anne at Knitspot. I think you all know how much I love her patterns, but I also love her photography, and the amazingly clear and cogent and compelling way that she writes about her design process. I have learned so much about how a piece of knitting gets put together from reading her posts.
2. Stella at Knit Knit Frog. Are there any fiber arts that Stella doesn't do, and do well? And she, too, writes about the process, which I find intriguing; her posts always make me want to run out and try something new. (I also love reading about her wonderful family, what can I say?) She's teaching a knitting seminar this semester, and is looking for input on inspirational designers; if you've got someone like that in mind, pop over and leave her a comment.
3. Anne at KnitRedSox. Anne gets the most astonishing amount of knitting done poolside (how do you do it?), and she's always got something on the needles for a charity or fundraising project, which I truly admire. Not to mention, she's teaching her students how to knit; recruiting for the cause is important. Her daughters are also amazing photographers, and you can't beat that.
4. Sheepish Annie. Anyone who can work with teenagers all day and then comes home each night and writes a post that makes me laugh out loud inherently possesses levels of creativity (and humor) far beyond my reach. She can also knit and ride a stationary bike and watch TV at the same time. That alone deserves an award.
5. Willow at Willow's Cottage. Her photographs are a constant inspiration, and not only because the subject is often one of my favorite parts of the California coastline.
6. Cattywampus. I don't know anyone else who can whip out a sweater like she can. And get this, they always fit. Beautifully. Seriously. It's unreal. And I love the photographic walking tours she does sometimes of her neighborhood; travelling without leaving home is one of my favorite things to do (right after travelling while also leaving home).
7. One Scheme of Happiness is an amazing photographer, and her travellogue-like photographic tours are amazing. She's taking her readers to India right now.
So there they are. Do we notice a couple of themes here? Process blogs and photographic blogs. Hmmm... There are so many other blogs out there that I love (check out that list in the sidebar), but I'll stop here.
Thanks again, Bea and Sallee; I really appreciate being on your lists.
Thanks! I love love it when people like my photography!
You are too kind. And the bike/knitting part is waaaay easier than dealing with the teenagers all day let me telly!
Jocelyn, do you have a favorite photo or topic you liked from my blog?
I have the same problems responding to these awards; first, I can't believe that I got it, and second, I can't possibly list everyone, and I hate to leave people out! I think it's funny we hit three of the same people, though. Must have similar tastes or something...
Thanks, Jocelyn! This means a LOT, coming from you. Ooh, now I get to pick 7 favorites myself ...
I, for one, am now in love with Sheepish Annie's kitties. FUZZY kitties!
And you are so very welcome! I love visiting you!
No I don't take notification of comments on past posts. Ummm, you can? How?
Oooh, great blogs. I always act as if I'm caught in the crosshairs when I get one of these awards too.
Thank you!! Wow, I'm in fabulous company too. I feel so honored!
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