I feel like I've been running in place, although I know that I can't be. I've put together something which might approximate a presentation for next weekend's conference, as well as a handout. My talk still goes solidly over time (it's not even a sort of talking-faster-towards-the-end kind of overage; this is more like I speed-talk for twenty minutes and then just keep going -- I have some editing to do, clearly), but it's a talk, and that's something. I've taken the car in to be serviced in preparation for all the driving it's going to do over the next couple of weeks, gotten presents for Older Daughter's birthday tomorrow, picked up pills for the old dog and made boarding reservations for the young dog, blah blah blah. But I still feel somehow like I'm missing a few days. I think part of it is that the list of things which must be done before I leave for the conference next Thursday is fairly long, and involves a few jobs which will take time; and I'm still not feeling entirely settled in my mind about this talk.
I'd almost decided not to post today, because I haven't yet taken pictures of the little lace scarf I'm working on. I think I'll call it my Wisteria Scarf -- you'll see why when I show you the pictures. I'm actually over halfway done, I think, and it's going faster now that I've gotten used to the stitch pattern, so I wanted to show that off, but that's for another day.
I've also been doing some small amounts of spinning on both of my spindles, so I wanted to show you that. You've seen what I'm spinning on the Turkish spindle, but here's what I'm working on with the Golding.
Tomorrow is Older Daughter's eleventh birthday. I told her that last year at this time, I was in labor at home (after having gone for a long walk to kick-start things after my water broke and nothing further happened); by 3:46 this coming morning, she was born. It doesn't feel like it's been eleven years since then. I can still remember the whole thing so very clearly. It's an odd kind of telescoping feeling; there she is on the couch, large as life, entering into that interim stage between little girl and teenager, and yet here she also is, in my mind, just a tiny little 7 1/2 pound 21-inch baby girl. Weird...
Beautiful spindle!
And best of luck with everything.
That fiber looks like the lining of a hummingbird nest on my monitor - lichen-colored.
And I know just what you mean about how that one body contains such different girls who are still the same. Mind-bending.
Happy Birthday to Older Daughter! May the 11s be wonderful!
Oooo! That fiber is bee-you-tee-full! I just may be driving by Twist tomorrow...
Good luck on the talk. Spin more fiber and see where your subconscious mind takes you to distill the focus.
That fibre is a beautiful colour, can't wait to see how it looks when it's plied. I feel the same with my boys especially the eldest. He didn't have an ounce of fat on him when he was born and now, at 12, he is almost patting me on the head. Hope you all have a lovely weekend together
Happy Birthday, Older Daughter!
Yeah, funny and great that we can still remember them so vividly as wee ones. Yes, even when they near 40!
Fibre and spinning is gorgeous!
Good luck on your talk (you're going to be great!).
I have to print out anything serious, I try to use both sides of the paper, at least. I still believe that ink on paper is the best technology going.
Happy birthday to your daughter!
Boy, I know how that feels! My kid is going to be 10! Ten, that's a 5th grader. Surely it wasn't that long ago that I was a 5th grader myself.
The merino/silk top looks exactly like gold & silver on my monitor.
How did it get to be Friday? I was working along, and all of a sudden the week was over. Why can't it do that when you want it to?
Good luck editing the talk. They only give you 20 mins? That would require some fast talking.
I was considering feeling guilty about the weaving. But I think your spindle is an even exchange. So pretty! Love the fiber. =)
LOVE that fiber! And YAY! on the talk! Editing is not to difficult - I do much better at that, than at the actual writing of the piece.
Thank you for the memory jog on getting the car checked over before next weekend - I'm going on the road, too, and keep forgetting this important safety item...
happy birthday to OD,happy birthday to OD, Happy birthday OD'ter, Happy birthday to you ...
followed by 11 hip hip horays!
that is some jewel like yarn, beautiful
That fiber is gorgeous! Matches the spindle so well.
Eleven is a magical age. Enjoy. :-)
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! (11th birthday and spindle and fiber)
And the talk will work, after a bit of judicious ripping.
My beloved child discovered how fun ripping out is, and wanted us to rip out more of his sweater.
Love the spindle. Man you spin very finely. I seem to like to spin so I get worsted weight yarn in a two ply. I might have to try and spin more finely one of these days.
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