Look! Two posts in a week! Do you think this means I'm getting my blog post mojo back, or do you think this means I'll disappear again for the next two weeks? It's anybody's guess...
I will definitely be disappearing for the weekend, as I'm off on one of my language trips, starting with the lovely long drive through the Mojave tomorrow morning at 5:30, to Tehachapi. I'll spend the weekend at a language camp, working on learning verbs and lots and lots of verbal endings. Think verbal thoughts for me, if you please.
As I mentioned in my last post (and thank you for the woodworking compliments; I appreciated all of them, and I am happy to report that the sanded-away bits of my hands are starting to grow more skin -- hooray for the human body!), I have been spinning and knitting this last week. Last night I cast off the scarf that I've been working on for a friend's birthday. She doesn't read the blog, so I can show you the in-progress shot I took (and I'll show blocking shots once I have those).

That's a
Pear and Trellis scarf (I can't remember the yarn, complete details next time; all I know is that it's a new yarn over at
Yarning For You, and that the only way I could justify buying both of the skeins I fell in love with was to agree to myself that I'd give one of them away). I was worried that the colors would be too busy with the pattern, but I think that once it's blocked, it's going to be all right -- the strong vertical lines of the pattern will help to clean things up.
I've also been spinning. I think I mentioned that I'm working on my long-draw technique, and I practiced with all of the fiber from the class I took in Ohio, ending up with this skein (plus the ones I showed before):

That's a three-ply, with one ply of merino, one of something that I think I recall is Cormo, and one of a camel/silk blend. They were all fun to spin, but I have to say that I adored the Merino -- mmmm..... It's still not even, but it's getting better, and, as I tell the girls, practice makes perfect, right? So I cast about my fiber stash, trying to find something that might work spun up this way, and my eye fell upon the 16 oz of stunningness that is a bump of BFL from
Briar Rose.

I decided that it's just silly to keep saving things for when I get "good enough", and I set to it.

I am loving the way this is spinning up. That bobbin is now completely full, and I'm on to another one. I need to decide whether this will be a three-ply (which results in a more even yarn), or a two-ply (which results in more yarn). But I have time to think about it as I spin. As I spent all day yesterday getting the girls' back-to-school shopping done and taking them to a movie, I think I deserve a little time at the wheel this morning, don't you?
Absolutely! What's that quote about all chores and no spinning... well there probably isn't a quote, but there ought to be!
And I just had a interesting verb discussion with a coworker this morning, as we discussed another co-worker's lamentable grammer (he tends to drop helper words, in this case saying "I seen", and what it should have been, and whether it would be more appropriately translated into Spanish in the preterit or imperfect (we settled on imperfect).
Back to school shopping deserves more than spinning. Perhaps an adult beverage as well. Sending verb vibes your way.
Enjoy your spinning time, it's coming together very nicely. Love the colour. Have a great weekend
Your scarf is beautiful! I love that pattern, and the yarn is so yummy. Have a great trip to language camp; leaving at 5:30am to drive through the Mojave sounds absolutely blissful. Don't forget to see it!
Thank you! Please don't keep putting off doing this or that until you are good enough. (And I don't just mean you, Jocelyn.) Also? Use those good towels and wear that nice blouse or necklace or fancy pair of socks or whatever.
Spin that fiber! There is a lot more where that came from.
Ooohh such pretties! And, yes, of course you need to spin today! You had a very hard day yesterday.
Everything's beautiful! And yes, you deserve some spinning time.
Have a great weekend!
I will take the advice of not waiting until I am good enough to spin my best fiber. Very wise!
Your scarf shot looks like an aerial view of a very beautiful landscape. And I love your 3 ply. I have yet to ply different fibers together, but your results are leading me in that direction.
Lovely spinning and scarf! Sending you all the verbs you could ever ask for. :-)
"Think verbal thoughts" - for me the hard part is thinking those non-verbal ones, the ones I used to call "thinking without thinking" when I was a kid, meaning thoughts without words.
I've been thinking along the same lines, about not saving stuff "for good" and not waiting by the mailbox for the One Wonderful Thing, but enjoying the good and the wonderful now, right now.
(Talking as much to myself as to you, as ever.)
Beautiful spinning! I love the colors, as usual. Here's hoping for a return of the blog mojo (both for you and for me - it's been a pretty blogless summer around here).
Back to school shopping should easily net you a week of all the spinning time you desire. Yeck.
Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Verbally, of course. Have fun! =)
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