I'm dithering. (I know, contain your shock.) And I need input. (Rick is making faces at me and asking whether he counts as input. I think we all know what the answer is. Yes, but I need knitters.)
I can't decide whether the shrug looks good, or completely stupid. So I have several very bad pictures (because it's a dark and stormy night, and because I didn't pick clothes that best flatter this thing, and because it's the end of a long work day), and I want all y'all's opinions on whether to finish this thing (to the tune of a sleeve and a quarter) or rip it all out, weep into my wine, and cast on for yet another size larger hoping against hope that the ball of yarn that it looks like I'll have at the end of this will be enough for a bigger size. So, without further ado, the side view:

The front view:

(That long sleeve will probably go another couple of inches, and the second one will match it.)
The close-up back view:

The long, full-contextualized back view:

So, honest opinions. Does it look stupid? More specifically, is it too short in the front and back body? I visualized it differently, looking at the pattern pictures, and I think that's part of the problem here. (As a commentary on patterns, it really helps to have pictures of a garment on an actual body -
the pictures for this are taken without a full body, over a dress with what looks like a high waist, in hindsight, which really warps the view. And it also helps immensely to know what size was knitted for the photos!!) Take a look at how it's supposed to look, which is how I wanted it to look, and tell me what you think.
I think I know what the answer is. And I think me and the frog pond are on a collision course...
Hmm-m-m, looks like I'm the first one brave enough to comment....cute shrug but too short. Looking at the pattern picture, I would have thought it came to the waist. Have a glass of wine with the frogs.....
Cathy's right--which I think you knew before you asked. If you are afraid you won't have enough yarn for the larger size could you make shorter sleeves?
I have two shrugs in my knitting collection and each time I put one one my husband makes a face and says he doesn't "understand these sweaters". If you have the yarn, I say make it longer, at least in the back. Otherwise you will struggle with what to wear with it.
I think it fits fine except for the length.
I think it looks perfect. It is a shrug after all - not a full cardigan. Honestly -I like it. You have the kind of figure that you can pull off almost anything and this is one of those anythings.
Of course, if you're not comfortable wearing it - it doesn't matter what we think.
I'm weighing in on the yeah it's too short side. I recommend marinating the frogs in brandy...
Gee, I actually liked the length but thought the front looked... I don't know, askew? Off? Something.
But yeah... we aren't the ones wearing it, you are. I hear frogs in your future :)
I love the colour. :)
Experience has shown it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, if we're not comfortable with it, we won't wear it. It would be such a shame to use such beautiful yarn on something that wouldn't get worn.
Yeah. I think it's too short, and certainly doesn't sit in the front like it does in the picture. But you're the one who has to like it . . .
The color is pretty, but I do think the bigger size is called for.
For what it's worth, I agree with Wandering Cat in that it is a shrug not a cardigan. I really like the collar. Worn over a solid color knit dress, or with a top and bottom of the same color, it will be very striking.
i'm with you jocelyn - having been greatly influenced by the photos, and therefore expecting it to be a good bit longer, it looks too short to me (and fills me with dread about the same issue with mine). yes, it's a shrug, but the thing about this shrug is that it is supposed to be longer.
but! i don't think it looks stupid, at all. i think it's beautiful, and looks GREAT on you.
It certainly looks shorter than the picture. The picture looks more like a cardigan with a shrug-like opening. With that as an expectation, it does seem too small. Brave of you to post these things for public thumbs up or down!
It's a beautiful pattern. I can see why you were drawn to it. But wait! What will happen when you block it? Will it relax enough to give you the additional length that you want?
My first reaction was "look how pretty!" THEN you sent us to look at the pattern photos, and yes, I see your point.
1. Are you going to wear it over a top that's over your waistband like you are in the photos?
2. Are you going to be happy that it doesn't come together more in the front?
Depending on your answer? I'd say, to the lily pad you go...
I've knit a couple of shrugs, and even designed one, and I've come to the conclusion that unless one is stick thin, flat-chested, and wasp-waisted, they are not very flattering garments. That said, this is a lovely bit of knitting, but it needs more length. I would try blocking it first, as one of the other commenters said, but if that doesn't achieve a little more length, well, you know what to do...
I like it just the way it is! It's cute and it looks good on you. My advice -- finish the sleeves and put it away for a little while. When you come back to it it'll be easier to see how it looks. I'm usually surprised by how different I feel about a project after just a couple weeks.
Even though I don't necessarily think it looks bad, it does seem a bit too short. I agree with India - these types of garments only seem to look good on pre-teens or those with the figure of a pre-teen. I've tried on shrugs in the store, and they always seem to scream "Here come Laurie's boobs!"
OTOH, the yarn is beautiful, as is your knitting.
It's too short. And I agree with Miss 376...if you don't like it or have ambivalent feelings about it...you won't be comfortable when you wear it.
Frog. And drink.
Go with your gut. Love the color, love the pattern, it looks good on your uppermost half, but it needs a bit of length to make it look stellar on you. (and it will look stellar!)
It looks more like a shrug and less like a smallish cardi. If you have the yarn, make it bigger, Estany's version on rav is particularly nice and she has quite a bit more sweater on the front than you do in the pics. Sigh. Sorry!!!!
Or just give it to your oldest daughter, I'm sure it would look adorable on her next year (or this year, she's looking pretty tall in the pics lately!). Sometimes I can't bear to frog and knit again, I would rather knit a new one with new yarn and let SOMEONE enjoy my hard work instead of taking it apart.
The yarn and stitch pattern are beautiful together! I have a general problem with shrugs, especially of the circular variety. They always make me feel like my shoulders are tiny and my hips are huge. I do have a sweater along the same lines, though, and I love it. So yes, I think longer is the way to go. What kind of pattern neglects to show the overall garment??
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