Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Day 6: Food for thought

Context:  I am currently about six months into a two-year mindfulness meditation teacher certification program.  So much more to say, but I'll leave it at that for now.

A quote from the book Science Set Free (Rupurt Sheldrake), talking about the ideas of the mathematician and philosopher Alfred North Whitehead:

"Reality consists of moments in process, and one moment informs the next.  The distinction between moments requires the experiencer to feel the difference between the moment of now and past or future moments.  Every actuality is a moment of experience.  As it expires and becomes a past moment, it is succeeded by a new moment of "now", a new subject of experience.  Meanwhile the moment that has just expired becomes a past object for the new subject."  

That really describes one of the insights offered by meditation - that reality is just the rising and falling of right-now experience, and that the moment of now feeds into and creates the next moment of now, just as it was created by past moments of now.  Interesting...

1 comment:

twinsetellen said...

The meditation app that I'm using frequently brings up the concept of one breath leading to the next leading to the next. And noticing the tiny gap between the breaths. Is there a tiny gap between moments, I'm now wondering.