Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Day 33: Thirty!

Last night, I finished the thirtieth square!  Wow.  It's a miracle.  I also wove the ends in on five already-blocked squares, which means that I can knit those together. I figure if I spread out the end-weaving and knitting together, I'm less likely to get frustrated with how fiddly those tasks are.  Then it's garter-stitch edgings, and I'm done! 

(I say that like it's just around the corner.  But it's not.  We leave to take Kiv to college on September 18, and I find myself hoping that I have enough time.  Because classes start in less than two weeks, and this isn't really meeting knitting, so I need to be disciplined about working on it every evening.)

(Also, guys?  I am SO done with this knit.  I crave stockinette.  I crave small and portable.  I crave something I can knit while I'm reading.  I crave being able to actually look at the bloody TV while I knit.  I am ready to be done with colorwork.)

(But I'm also glad that my daughter will head off to college with a blanket knitted just for her.  My older daughter loved hers all through college, and it is currently folded up neatly on the end of her bed.  This is a Good Thing.)

(Also, I'll be knitting one next year for my niece.  Please please please let her want something less, you know, colorworky.)


Wanderingcatstudio said...

I like colourwork... but in small doses. I tried to make my Dad a colourwork blanket made of large animal squares. I got the first one done, turned it into a pillow and called it a day!

Gina in the SF Bay Area said...

I have to hand it to you. My son, my one and onlyl child, received his "college blanket" at the end of his fourth or five years at Humboldt State. (He played soccer, so we expected that fifth year.) He wanted it to be six feet long so he could tuck it under his feet, and it ended up being a gigantic project. Those two rounds of crocheted edging lasted forever.

So glad you are back blogging. I missed you.