Pattern: Boing! from Knitspot
Yarn: Lanas Puras Melosa laceweight, in the Desert Bloom colorway
Needles: Size 4 KnitPicks Harmony needles
I had so much fun working with this yarn, and Lis, who helped me to get it in time for the test knit, was absolutely wonderful. This is the same yarn (in a different colorway) that I'm knitting the new shawl in, so I'm getting a lot of face time with it (needle time? hand time?), and I'm not even approaching a state of any kind of boredom with it yet. This pattern is another amazing addition to Anne's "little nothings" series. This is the second one I've knit (I have a third OTN right now, but I probably won't get back to that one for a while), and I love them; there's something so satisfying about knitting a small something out of one perfect combination of yarn and stitch pattern, and they end up being these lovely little warm bits to keep around for those moments when your neck is chilled (or, in my world, when Older Daughter's neck is chilled; the child has an unnatural penchant for handknit lace).
My classes are done for the week, and next week is the last week of this semester. I can't tell you how ready I am to be done. To be fair, this has nothing to do with my classes themselves; they've gone surprisingly well (I say surprisingly, because I was teaching field methods for the first time and was nervous about it), and my students have been great. My relief has more to do with everything that I haven't gotten done because of all of the work I've been doing on committees. I need to make a list of the things that have to happen before mid-June, when I leave for a week for a workshop, and then leave for another week for a conference. I don't know why, but I have this theory that having a list will somehow make things better (I can't be the only one who thinks this, can I? Does anyone else out there ever add things to their lists that they've already done, just so they can feel the satisfaction of crossing them off?)(not that I'd do that).
So, tomorrow is going to be a quiet, contemplative day at home. Just me and my list. The big list of Things Which Must Be Done. If you don't hear from me by Friday, send the rescue team to save me, ok?
I'm not a list maker, but my aunt and her whole family are, and she swears by writing down everything you've done and checking it off, even if it wasn't on the list originally. It's still an accomplishment, whether it was planned or no!
That is a wonderful pattern. I like it much better in the slightly variegated near-monochrome - all it needs is to be green and have heads added to be a swarm of sea-dragons!
Beware the list, it looks harmless enough granted but before you know it the items will have doubled, trebled and leave you with a massive amount of guilt.
However it can be very satisfying to cross things off a list and see how much you have accomplished.
Love the scarf pattern, it is delicate but lively.
Love the scarf - beautiful pattern.
I'm a sometimes listmaker - for example: if I have a problem I have to puzzle through I make lists. Or a new class to teach...
DD and fiance are right now making lists: gift registry and guest list for the engagement party!
YES! I do lists. I think it helps me focus, keeps me from (major) distraction...you know..."Oh, pretty, let's knit...oh, wow, let's stitch, oh, forgot need to wash dishes, oh, wow the floor needs..." and on and on - Distractability is big in my life!
With a list I cross things off and it's a race to get to the bottom.
Focus. I.Need.Focus.
Boing is gorgeous!
I really love that scarf. I can't wait to see it pin-free.
I wait until everything is all out of control, THEN I make my list. and yes, I add the things I've already done.
Boing is a beauty, as usual, as per Anne's genius :^D
Oh yeah, baby, count me amongst the ones to add things already accomplished to their 'to do' list just so I can cross it off, I know, I'm sick, pathetic but that is just too satisfying a feeling to miss out on... :^)
Yes, I'm a big list maker, ADD here PLUS addle brain... my kids laugh about my lists but I 'see' the day for them.
You boing is very boing indeed, who can blame the little one for liking such luxuries?
Good luck with you list!
very pretty! good luck with all your lists!
A contemplative day maybe. If it's me, I'd be moaning and whining to myself, so not so quiet. Lists are both useful and a menace. At the same time.
Lovely scarf. Of course your daughter wears lace! How could she not?
Kudos on the FO called Boing! Sweet!
Gotta have a list, even if it's just two or three things. I can't remember dookie anymore.
i am an awful list writer. a friend of mine used to write things on her list so she could cross them off and feel like she accomplished something. i thought it was ridiculous, but apparently it was just the next step in list keeping: now i rarely make it through all my lists (and they're plural now! what's up with that??), i have put stuff on them so i could have the satisfaction of knowing something was done. even though i feel a bit silly :)
The scarf is really really lovely.
Hello! , I'm new to these parts. suppose say hi.
See ya! :) and Thanks
(sorry if this is the wrong place to put this post)
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