So, knitting has been a little slow this week, as I've been falling over into bed earlier in the evenings. Somehow I've felt more like reading than watching TV (there are times when the noise that is an inherent part of television just feels like it's too much to deal with, and even audiobooks feel somehow loud), and my lace project is not one of those things that I can knit while reading. But I am making progress; I'm halfway through the first repeat of the next charted section, with two more repeats after that. It's starting to get that going-downhill feeling that comes with hitting a point that feels like the halfway mark. It isn't really halfway, but as the rows are getting shorter rather than longer, it certainly feels that way.
I would be much further along with it had I been able to knit on it at all this weekend. I had two major chunks of potential knitting time available: during the stretches of the drive that Rick was at the wheel, and while we were at my parents' house. The problem with the latter was that my aunt (who will be receiving this shawl for her birthday in the fall) was also at my parents' house, and I really couldn't knit it in front of her, as it's a surprise. And the problem with the former is that a) there are charts to be keeping track of while knitting (therefore, no knitting in the dark, for example, or on windy roads when I really need to be looking out the windshield more often than not), and b) seriously, I'm just not sure I can keep track of lace while Rick is plowing up the state at 80 miles an hour. Someone's got to keep us on the road, right?
So I started a pair of socks for Younger Daughter. Plain, stockinette socks. This isn't something that I do too often, but I've come to realize lately the benefit of plain knitting. It can be done in the dark, at the movies, in the car, while reading -- basically all kinds of places where I (speaking only for myself here) can't do more complicated knitting (where complicated knitting includes lace, cables, shaping, etc etc). I think that I need to do this more often. And this sock yarn is especially conducive to plain stockinette, as you can see.
And now, as promised, another book!
Some of her points about fabric and sweater construction struck me as odd until I realized that she came at designing knitted sweaters from a background in designing garments using woven cloth, and then I understood why she emphasizes the points that she does; I find that to be interesting (among other things, by doing some reverse reasoning, I now have a better idea of what kinds of limits garment designers come up against when working with woven fabric that I had less sympathy for, having only ever worked myself with knitted fabric). It also helps me to understand why traditional knitted garments are designed so very differently (and why people with a background in other kinds of garment design tend to design sweaters in pieces). So I'm very glad to have this in my library, and I'll definitely be referring to it as I start to work out the details of the little lacy summer shell I want to knit for myself with the skein of SeaSilk I got myself last week.
And in case anyone ever wonders what Tilly does all day while I'm working here at home? Here's your answer.
Love the socks for daughter and hope to hear more about the new book.
I loved Maggie's Knitting in Plain English so I think I'd love this book too. Hmm, my birthday's coming up...
The socks are great! I'm looking at the turned heel and it's really nice. How many rows of sl1,k1 do you do and how many stitches do you pick up on the side as you're turning the heel?
I love Maggie Righetti! Nothing wishy washy about this lady. She speaks her mind. One of my favorite bits is where she talks about deceptive poses for sweater patterns, the kind that conceal the flaws in the design
And the socks are gorgeous. Those big chunks of color that flow into each other! Yum.
That sock yarn looks sort of like the toucan-ish colorway I got from Knit One, Crochet Too awhile ago. Yum. Such happy colors! And I love upside down Tilly! Wouldn't it be nice to have some time like that ....
Thanks for the answer on the socks. The reason I asked is that my heel part was too long on the twisted rib stitch socks and I shortened it a little but it was still too long. Square sounds good.
I love those socks and plain knitting was an obvious choice!
Tilly looks comfy if not exactly productive!
Think I want that book myself!
Tilly looks less "helpful" than Artemis chooses to be when I'm home. I can't move three feet without having a cat at my heels (or on my papers). It's funny, because you'd expect it more from a dog...
Maplewing is coming along nicely; I can imagine that it feels great to have rows getting shorter as you go. Maybe my next lace project will be bottom-up.
I've looked at Maggie's book, but haven't bought it yet. It looks like a good one, though. I find opinionated writing funny (though I can't always say the same for opinionated people...). I have Alden Amos' Big Book of Handspinning, and I think his cantankerous opinions are one of my favorite things about the book.
Tilly looks really comfortable there. What fantatic colours on those socks, no wonder she loves them
There is a lot to be said for plain old knitting. And that is why I have so very many garter stitch projects lying around everywhere.
1. Tilly has the right idea.
2. Completely get what you mean about the beauty of plain knitting.
3. Genius idea to buy yarn in colorways you don't go for in order to enable releasing it from your stash.
4. The shawl is nearly unctuous in its appeal to me.
5. The time change wiped us out, too, though we did appreciate the evening light.
6. You might want to reverse the order on these points if you'd like it to correspond to the chronology of the post!
Oh, and on second thought, perhaps I should clarify that "unctuous" is a highly positive adjective for a food person - I am not implying that the shawl is greasy and oily, more that it has the spinal level appeal of something smooth and silky and yes, fatty, at least to this mammal.
Oh, hon...give me a plain vanilla stockinette sock any day! I don't know what I'd do without them.
The Lace is beautiful!
(and DST? Whipped mine, too)
I LOVE that lace pattern in the first picture--I've played with that one a fair bit. And those socks are great fun--cheerful on a beautiful spring day!
When I choose colours I think I don't like for me, I find I like them as I knit them. I suddenly seem to be buying more orange yarn for myself as a direct result of orange yarn chosen by the kiddo. Good, in that it gets me out of my comfort zone. Bad, in that I have less restraining my yarn gimmees.
On the size note, my child's feet are not nearly as small as I think they should be.
Shawl is lovely, of course. Shows the pattern so nicely.
Maggie is good for breakfast reading. Pattern books don't really cut it.
I think I have another professional question for you. One of these I'll get around to composing it. Has to do with the proper use of the term dialect. You have been warned. I won't be surprised if my emails are returned unread in the future. Wait, that's letters. I'll never know!
Other than the possibility of electrocution, Tilly has the right idea.
DST is a scourge. Can't think. Can't get up, can't get to sleep, gah. It actually makes it harder for me since I work until after dark anyway and have to be at work even EARLIER during tax season(yes, I would like a little cheese w/my whine, lol).
I love Maggie Righetti's books.
Plain knitting is such a godsend! Mindless knitting in front of the TV, at the movies or on the road while keeping everyone safe by sheer willpower....:)
The shawl pattern is so beautiful, but I confess to loving the really long color runs on the sock. I'm done with white. Outdoors is currently shades of brown, so I'm ready for color!
sometimes i knit a project in front of the intended recipient and just don't say who it is for! Love the socks. I generally make stockinette or very simple socks for my meeting knitting, or times when you can't really see much. those colors you could see almost anywhere! Fun.
And i'm with you on the time change, i was travelling with a time zone change, then back in time for the time change here. I'm finally starting to feel like I'm not exhausted.
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