Thank you all so much for your supportive comments on the rant of a couple of days ago. I alternate between feeling that surely something can be done to make the system work better for everyone, and a deep sense of despair because I haven't the faintest clue how we can make that happen. I'll keep you all updated on how things go this semester in my little patch of education-land; judging by the comments, though, I'm not the only person out there who's facing this kind of situation, so all of you keep letting me know how it's going, too.
Now, a last gathering of little tidbits from Sock Summit, and then I think I'll have that all caught up, and I can start letting you see some knitting.
First, since Sallee and I knew that we would (finally!) be meeting at Sock Summit, she took the chance to deliver to me this stunning beauty.
The needle binder is Nana Sadie Rose's new Violette, and I can't tell you how happy I am with it. I feel organized, and it's cheerful and elegant to boot. How often does that all come together in one useful object? Very William Morris...
I think I've mentioned that I got to meet in person (but not spend nearly enough time with) several people whom I've only known through e-correspondence. Another one of those people is Mary Lou, whose blog I've been reading for a while now, and whom I always enjoy sharing an email conversation with. She was working at the Yarnery booth, right down the aisle from Briar Rose, which meant that we were both equally busy, but she made a point of coming to see me right away, to give me the condolence hug she'd promised me (which I so needed right then), as well as the most lovely and thoughtful gift.
In the interests of full disclosure, I should reveal that I did come away with some spinning fiber from A Verb For Keeping Warm. I also had a very fun conversation with Kristine, the dyeing genius behind the yarn and fiber from A Verb For Keeping Warm -- talk about an interesting person to chat with!
I also got one skein of STR, a Rare Gem.
I also came away with a lovely little project back, which just happens to match the yarn.
Next time, some socks -- I've finished the first of the Wildflower socks, and I don't think I ever posted pictures of the heirloom tomato socks. I have no less than three hours of meetings each day this week (and some as long as five hours), so I'm guessing there's gonna be plenty of knitting time.
You can knit in meetings! I'm jealous -- I tried it in county committee meetings but one of the local press had a field day with it.
Luscious is the word that comes bubbling up to the top of my word list when I look at that fiber. Absolutely luscious!
Knitting in meetings is the only way to go! Without that, I would be in LOT more trouble than I am now. You stuff from the sock summit is gorgeous, and I am still envious that I was not able to go. I'm taking a bohus class at Stitches Midwest, though . . . It's only 30 min from me, so I was able to fit it in.
Take care, and good luck with the craziness.
Gorgeous yarns. I have some needing knitting, and fast, and needed a creative nudge. Just got it. Thank you!
That yarn in the swatch is gorgeous!!!
Sadly the meetings I most need to knit in, I can't. But mostly I can, and it keeps me sane. You certainly scored at Sock Summit. The cards, BTW, are from Gale of She Shoots Sheep Shots, who did the photo workshop. Cute, no?
I don't live in a state where I can comment on how to make things better. Unemployment went down in Michigan last month - down to 15%, that is!
It's funny how needles accumulate in certain sizes. I have eight size 6 circs, seven pairs of size 1 straights, seven pairs of size 3 straights, and good heavens! Twenty-two 4-0 dpns, how did that happen?
Such pretty, pretty fiber. I need to go have a roll in my own now!
I hope to never sin - oops- sit through another meeting, ever. I would have fallen asleep during the meetings I did have to attend without something for my hands to do. If one can sit and doodle, for goodness sake, why can't one sit and knit?
Lovely colors and fibers! Aren't fiber friends the best?
Pretty pretty things!
Ah, thank you for the link and for showing off and saying all those nice things about Violette! I have to laugh...I never designed it to make people feel the least guilty about their needle stash...
And all else is lovely, too - but I think I saw most of it. Your Sea Pearl is so pretty (but then you enabled me right into some of that, you did!)
Lovely things, all of them. I think I admire your new sweater yarn the most though :)
Score! Fab haul. Sallee's creations are so well made and gorgeous.
Knitting in meetings is the only way to go & luckily I can, for the most part.
You're holding heirloom tomato socks out on us?! The name just makes me giddy. I can't wait to see them.
I love the needle case! I've been needing to make one for some figures that I would be inspired when I don't have a sewing machine. Ah well. A project for December. =)
I also envy you your meeting knitting. My teaching fellowship was the one job where I can knit in a meeting. (Fortunately I don't have nearly as many meetings as you do!)
The fiber from Sock Summit is beautiful. That Rare Gem colorway is almost too much!
Excellent stash enhancements. Isn't it awesome to actually meet people in person?
Thank you for sharing lovely goodies! Since I have plenty of yarn, I really shouldn't buy more, except when I do. But it sure is nice to look at yours! That needle organizer is great. I have a lot of 4 circulars (for worsted wt), 2 circulars (for fingering wt sweaters), 00 DPNs for socks. And because they're often all "in use," I have an excuse to wander through the yarn store. And Not Buy Yarn, except that I do.
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