Saturday, October 26, 2019

Day 107: Rest day

So, continuing reflection on the question of whether to take a day a week away from devices has led me to realize that there’s no question, actually. I know that this is a good practice, and I’m reinstituting it.  So that’ll mean no post tomorrow.

This isn’t something I’m doing in a really rigid way, with hard boundaries and no leeway.  (I will, for example, gladly facetime with Kivrin tomorrow if it’s the day she can do it.). It’s more about stepping away from the temptation to fill “empty” moments with what I called digital lethe in a recent post - I like that, as it captures for me the sense of the digital as a tempting annihilation of the present moment.  My memory of doing this is that it helps me to sense the spaciousness that is available beyond constant busyness.  Creativity happens there, and rest.

See you on the flip side!

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